This book reads more like a screenplay to a television series full of supernatural families. It’s about power play, murder, intrigues and familial bonds.
I don’t really get the marketing hint with Sookie Stakehouse because it had nothing of Charlaine Harris to it, apart from playing in the South. If I had to compare it to something it would be the movie Practical Magic with Sandra Bullock and the new TV Series Witches of East End. Add in a pinch of the Godfather (death of the patriarch) and some Mob structure (e.g. close knit family, money buys all, power play) to it and voilà, this is what you get.
World building and characterization is done really well and the plot moves fast forward, even though some of the plot twists are rather obvious, as is the outcome. The author tries to throw you off and keep you guessing, but I saw it all coming nonetheless.
The Taylor family really is screwed up. Some are jealous, others terrified, sad or full of hate. It’s like a blossoming apple tree is rotting from the roots up. The book is quite long. The first 100 pages we are introduced to the very large Taylor Family and the magical talents of each member as well as their individual history and problems. It could have been boring if it would have been only info dumping. But the introductions are made effortless and almost laid-back. They show a lot of interaction between the different family members and provide the much needed background. I really enjoyed this to be honest. Each family member has its own personality and dynamic.
The only person I was not so interested in was the main character Mercy, who is (of course) a disappointment to her family and her eviltalented and more beautiful twin Macie. Like I said, you know right from the start where this is going to lead.
For a book the very extensive cast put me off-guard. There is not only the Taylor family, with each member having his own personal history, love drama and life altering past events, but a lot of secondary characters that play an important part. I felt a bit overwhelmed.
Even though I enjoyed reading the story because of the family interaction, I have to subtract a star for the stupid love quadrangle. This has been so overdone in the YA and NA genre, I simply can’t take it seriously.
Overall an enjoyable read albeit not an overwhelming one.
Received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.