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Fortune's Pawn
Rachel Bach
The Emperor's Blades
Brian Staveley
Love Letters to the Dead
Ava Dellaira
The Waking Engine
David Edison
Laura Lam
The Heavens Rise
Christopher Rice
The Troop
Nick Cutter
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, # 1)
J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré
The Reapers Are the Angels
Alden Bell
Red Rising
Pierce Brown
Rachel Bach
Brian Staveley
David Edison
Laura Lam
Christopher Rice
Nick Cutter
Pierce Brown
Dezember 2013
hat eine Rezension: Deathsworn
Many of the reviews applauded the excellent world building but I really am wondering which world building? There was absolute...
Death Sworn - Leah Cypess
Dezember 2013
hat eine Rezension: Servants of the Storm
Servants of the Storm will be one of the most amazing young adult books of 2014. Of that I am sure.That creepy cover! That sp...
Servants of the Storm - Delilah S. Dawson
Dezember 2013
hat eine Rezension:
I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you The blurb, it sounds awesome and the cover looks...
Of Breakable Things - A. Lynden Rolland
hat eine Rezension: The Queen of the Tearling (The Queen of the Tearling, #1)
“The Queen of the Tearling introduces readers to a world as fully imagined and terrifying as that of The Hunger Games, with c...
The Queen of the Tearling (The Queen of the Tearling, #1) - Erika Johansen
Dezember 2013
hat eine Rezension: Conquest: Chronicles of the Invaders, Book 1
This unoriginal story is not for me! The two authors John Connolly and Jennifer Ridyard have made so many mistakes, I wonder ...
Conquest: The Chronicles of the Invaders: Book 1 - John Connolly, Jennifer Ridyard
Dezember 2013
hat eine Rezension: Salvage
Book, you are awesome. You remember those famous intro words to Star Trek TNG? Space: the final frontier. These are the voyag...
Salvage - Alexandra Duncan
hat eine Rezension: UnEarthed
Since my first epic encounter with Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs almost 25 years back I have been a big fan of Science Fi...
UnEarthed - Rebecca Bloomer,  Jodi Moran
Dezember 2013
hat eine Rezension: Through The Smoke
Trying to link this to Jane Eyre was very pretentious and made me dislike the book that much more. Maybe I am hypercritical. ...
Through The Smoke - Brenda Novak
Dezember 2013
hat eine Rezension: Amber House: Neverwas
Neverwas - Kelly  Moore, Tucker Reed, Larkin Reed
Dezember 2013
hat eine Rezension: The Line (Witching Savannah)
This book reads more like a screenplay to a television series full of supernatural families. It’s about power play, murder, i...
The Line - J.D. Horn
Dezember 2013
hat eine Rezension: The Gospel of Loki
I mean seriously LOKI? I've been waiting ages for a book like this.I am fangirling so hard right now.
The Gospel of Loki - Joanne Harris
Dezember 2013
hat eine Rezension:
This book is so sad and so full of hope at the same time, terrifyingly beautiful and bittersweet. This is me reading the book...
Avery (The Chronicles of Kaya #1) - Charlotte McConaghy
Dezember 2013
hat eine Rezension: Dorn: Roman
Habe das heute in der Buchhandlung gesehen, aber konnte mich nicht wirklich entscheiden. Klingt eher wie ein Eragon Abklatsch...
Dorn - Thilo Corzilius
hat eine Rezension: Broken Worlds
Sooooo, this will be a short review. This book is like one of those utterly surreal and bizarre B-Horror movies with a very h...
Broken Worlds - Anitha Robinson
Dezember 2013
hat eine Rezension: Raphael (Vampires in America, #1)
Raphael … Now this is exactly how you characterize a Vampire LordI can’t believe I’ve missed this book until now. If it weren...
Raphael (Vampires in America, #1) - D.B. Reynolds